Saturday, May 17, 2008

Heading out...

Do you know what the most infuriating thing in the world is?

Cramming the bare essentials of your life into two suitcases, knowing that your checked baggage can only weigh 50 pounds each, weighing the first one at 60 lbs., hoping the second one will clock in at 45 or something so you can even it out, and then having the second one clock in at 60 lbs., also. And then having to find 20 lbs. of bare essentials to take out of your intricately packed suitcases. At 3:00 AM.

So maybe the last part is my fault. But enough complaining! My dad and I are leaving in two hours. I might not sleep at all. We'll see.

For now, I have three big thank yous.

The first is to a friend of my mom's, who I didn't even meet until Thursday, who has apparently been praying for me throughout the application and interview process for this internship. That was humbling. I tried to thank her, but she just said, "It wasn't me. God is working." If that's the case, then He's using that person in a very special and powerful way. Thank you so much. It means a lot.

The second is to my awesome high school buddies who had an impromptu going-away get-together tonight. I feel very loved. You guys rock.

And the third is to Gary Geels from my church, who got me to apply for this thing in the first place, and was a huge help and encouragement all along the way. Thank you!

Still to come: pictures, videos, and dirty political secrets.

Talk to you all soon!


Kenyon said...

Your descriptions of Jake and Isaiah made me laugh out loud. I am also honored by my position as heir to Keith Moon. I don't know if I can live up to that though, he was crazy as shit. Do well in DC!

Jacob said...
